Herniated disc tingling is one of the more common neurological symptoms blamed on bulging discs in the neck or lower back. Tingling in the arms will usually be linked to a disc issue in the cervical spine, while leg tingling will be typically traced to a lumbar or lumbosacral nerve issue.
While it is possible that spinal stenosis can enact tingling in any extremity, it is rare for true pinched nerves to do so, since actual nerve compression usually leads to total objective numbness and weakness over time. The combination of tingling and numbness is often referred to as paresthesia and can be an incredibly frightening symptom to experience.
This article will discuss the expression of pins and needles associated with disc-enacted nerve compression and central stenosis.
Herniated Disc Tingling Causes
Some instances of severe, but incomplete, foraminal stenosis might entail tingling and limited nerve symptoms from a herniated disc which may be only partially pressurized against a nerve root. This is not complete compression, but may be enough force to justify some degree of symptoms. This event can happen, especially in times of traumatic injury, but is rare indeed.
More commonly, spinal stenosis can cause tingling, typically in the legs, although the pins and needles can occur elsewhere. Just remember that stenosis is also often misdiagnosed as the actual source of symptoms, since most people demonstrate the physical signs of the condition as they age, but do not suffer any ill effects.
A common causation of tingling in any extremity is oxygen deprivation, although this type of pain syndrome is rarely correctly identified for what it truly is, often until it is too late and the patient has already endured failed disc surgery which has left them with real anatomical damage.
Learn about tingling hands and tingling fingers caused by herniated discs.
Read about a tingling leg caused by a herniated disc.
Tingling Sensations from a Herniated Disc
Tingling is a very common neurological symptom, most often associated with circulatory and nerve damage syndromes. Tingling is a side effect of many types of disease processes, such as in the case of diabetic neuropathy.
It is no surprise that ischemia is one of the most common expressions affecting back pain sufferers. This psychosomatic type of pain flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom, which is known to exclusively embrace the antiquated and incorrect Cartesian philosophy; defined by a distinct separation of mind and body. Even though this idea has been proven wrong time and time again, many doctors have a mental incapacity to accept the psychoemotional connection between dorsalgia symptoms and the emotional self. This damns most patients to chronic pain while their doctors blame often ridiculous structural sources for their symptomatic expressions year after year.
This is not to say that all disc issues are innocent and all chronic pain is psychogenic. It is just bringing up a very common occurrence which typically goes unnoticed, or more likely, is purposefully not mentioned, to increase treatment profitability in the back pain sector.
Herniated Disc Tingling Symptoms
The typical symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness and weakness are not always indicative of a herniated disc, although they are usually blamed many disc pathologies. Remember, in order for any disc prolapse to cause pain or tingling, it must definitively influence a nerve tissue.
Pinched nerve enacted through foraminal stenosis are the most common diagnosis, although any doctor who has actually studied these conditions will know that actual nerve compression is almost always characterized by an eventual complete shut down of nerve signal functionality. This condition produces objective numbness and weakness and is why nerve burning, cutting and tying are used as curative measures for a number of neuropathy conditions.
Blaming tingling and enduring pain on a pinched nerve is not only incorrect in theory, but it is also a perfect demonstration of how doctors often do not really understand the very same conditions they attempt to treat in many patients. A few doctors simply rely on antiquated medical mythology as a diagnostic guide and have no knowledge of any more recent research which is now accepted as medical fact. What do you expect from a physician who might have earned their medical degree 40 years ago and has rested on their past laurels ever since?