Herniated disc medication is another name for pharmaceutical therapy offered to treat chronic disc pain conditions. Medications are the most basic and popular forms of symptomatic treatment, but will do nothing at all to resolve problematic disc issues or virtually any other forms of back or neck pain which have been mistakenly blamed on a herniated or degenerated disc.
I always warn patients that herniated disc drugs can be very dangerous, especially in the long run, as many have known and unknown side effects and may also involve the serious risk for dependency.
Drugs may offer a minute by minute solution for some patients, but will never provide an actual cure. Herein lies the huge concern with pharmaceutical therapy. This article will expand on this idea and warn patients of the hazards of using drugs to treat chronic pain of any variety.
Herniated Disc Medication for Pain Relief
Herniated disc pain management drugs are certainly the most common and also the riskiest. Pain relief drugs are prescribed almost universally for patients with any form of serious back or neck pain. These pills can be humanitarian, since they may take the edge off the suffering for many people, but it is crucial that prescribing physicians inform their patients that these pills will never enact a cure.
Using pain management pills long-term is a dangerous proposition, since these compounds can cause internal organ damage and may be addictive, both psychologically and physically. Some of the more commonly prescribed drugs for back pain management include Vicodin, Percocet and Ultram. All of these are federally controlled substances in the US which demonstrate terrible risk factors for health and behavior.
Herniated Disc Medication for Spasm and Swelling
Anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory pills are also typically given for a wide range of diagnosed or idiopathic back and neck pain syndromes. In many circumstances, pain exists, but there are no defined spasms, making their use quite illogical. Worse yet, there are extremely few inflammatory conditions involved in back or neck pain complaints, making anti-inflammatory agents an utter waste of time, unless they also have inherent pain relieving qualities.
The most common of these drugs include Soma, Naproxen and Flexeril.
NSAIDS demonstrate a history of causing severe gastrointestinal problems and can even kill, especially when combined with other drugs or alcohol.
The Best Medicine for Herniated Discs
Americans, in particular, love taking pills for every conceivable health issue. I, for one, am completely disgusted by the bombardment of pharmaceutical advertising on television and in print media. Have you actually ever read the fine print about risk factors in these ads? If so, you would never take them.
There seems to be pills for everything and the big pharmaceutical companies expect us to simply open up and swallow them down with no questions asked. No way.
It is my goal to warn patients that popping pills is no way to treat back, neck or sciatica pain. If this is the path you choose, and you eventually wind up with a diseased liver or kidneys, a damaged heart or a serious addiction, then you have no one to blame but yourself and your doctor.
You have no idea how often organ damage occurs from taking these drugs year after year. The consequences will make your back pain seem like a joy. Please, if nothing else, consider all the substances you take very carefully and be sure to be completely informed of all the actual and potential risk factors which go hand in hand with these seeming “miracle drugs”.
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