Herniated disc lower back pain is a nightmarish condition which affects patients physically, mentally and emotionally. Low back pain is one of the most agonizing of all dorsopathy syndromes, but when the symptoms can be blamed on a dreaded disc herniation; there is the potential for a protracted and debilitating ordeal ahead.
When looking into the causative process for lower back ache and sciatica, it is crucial to objectively investigate the possible processes by which any disc abnormality might cause pain. If no definitive central stenosis or nerve impingement exists, then the disc irregularities are likely to be innocent of all blame. Since there is no correlation between the incidence of lumbar disc pathologies and the occurrence of lower dorsalgia, this should be of no surprise. Of course, if nerve interaction is verified and symptoms correlate by location and expression, then medical treatment is likely to be required and should be successful, as long as the diagnosis is accurate.
This article will provide commentary on disc-related pain syndromes in the lumbar spine. We will discuss why the region is so susceptible to chronic pain and how disc abnormalities figure into the causative picture for many symptom sets.
Herniated Disc Lower Back Pain from Injury
Some patients hurt their backs during a definite and memorable injury. Falls, sports injuries, car accidents and work-related occurrences can all cause a disc to bulge or rupture. These patients typically go to the doctor and are diagnosed with a specific type of disc injury. This is a crucial time for any patient, since it is here that their future is often determined.
If the patient is frightened into believing they have been permanently altered by the event, they are likely to begin the long dark descent suffered by so many others with chronic disc pain.
If they are lucky enough to have a doctor who tells them the real facts about herniated discs, they are likely to be in horrible pain for a few days and then slowly recover over the course of a month or two.
Believe it or not, statistically, the patient who does not seek medical treatment has a far better chance for a complete and speedy recovery than a patient who does seek any type of medical or chiropractic care. While this may not be a prudent action when injured, it is certainly a startling statistic which speaks volumes about the nature, effectiveness and actual purpose of many disc-related treatments.
Lower Back Pain from Disc Degeneration
Other patients never hurt their backs, but either suddenly or gradually develop a painful condition. When these patients go to the doctor, there is a 90% chance that their pain will be attributed to some degenerative change in their spines.
Degenerative disc disease and spinal osteoarthritis are common diagnostic contributors to back and neck pain, but are rarely solely responsible for actual severe symptoms. DDD is a process often involved in the creation of herniated discs, but these bulges and ruptures are not typically painful either. Most of the time, these herniated discs are completely asymptomatic and might exist for years without being discovered. Additionally, spinal degeneration is completely normal and universal. We all have it. This makes it a very convenient scapegoat to which back pain can almost always be linked, since disc deterioration will surely be there to take the blame in nearly every diagnosed patient.
L4/L5 and L5/S1 are the first 2 intervertebral discs to wear out in most people and this occurs by the age of 30 and often much younger. I experienced significant degenerative changes in these discs enough to deserve a diagnosis of degenerative disc disease at the age of 16. Imagine the emotional torture a diagnosis like that does to the young fearful mind of a 16 year old boy. It is no surprise my pain grew worse year by year.
Low-Back-Pain.Org is a free resource that provides excellent detailed coverage of lower back pain and its possible relationship to lumbar herniated discs.
Herniated Disc Lower Back Pain Help
Regardless of how or why you have a herniated disc, the facts remain the same. Many disc bulges are due to normal and expected spinal aging and should not hurt. The rest are due to traumatic injury and might hurt a little or might hurt like hell. However, they are likely to heal in a span of 2 to 8 weeks and are extremely unlikely to cause lasting chronic lower back pain, unless definitive neurological interaction endures.
Many patients have other yet to be diagnosed anatomical issues actually sourcing their painful symptoms. Others are suffering from regional nonstructural processes,such as ischemia or fibromyalgia. Still others have completely idiopathic reasons for their misery.
Now I bet it makes far more sense to you why the traditional treatments and surgeries offer such abysmal curative results. They might all be directed at a mistakenly identified cause of pain. Luckily, there is plenty of objective evidence available demonstrating the generally asymptomatic nature of spinal disc pathologies. Do not be a sheep to the slaughter. Research the facts for yourself and be well on your way to finding a real cure for your theorized herniated disc lower back pain.
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