Do you need herniated disc help? We can provide assistance for patients who are looking for help managing their disc pain problems. In fact, The Cure Back Pain Network is the largest completely-free patient education and advocacy organization in existence today. We have been working to help patients with a wide range of chronic pain conditions for almost 20 years, as of the time of this writing.
How can we help you? How can you help yourself? While we receive many letters asking for help, some are simply not viable requests. Many patients write and simply beg us to help. However, these people are obviously not providing us any information to facilitate this request, nor are they doing anything at all to help themselves. While this might sound callous, this is certainly not our intent. Instead, we hope that the message in this patient guide comes across loud and clear, waking up patients who obviously need assistance, but are doing nothing at all to help themselves.
This report lays out a straight-forward roadmap for all herniated disc patients to follow in order to work towards recovery. There is no universal miracle cure outlined in this text, since this type of treatment does not exist. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to your face; plain and simple. The goal of this essay is to put you on the right path towards helping yourself for possibly the first time ever as a healthcare consumer.
Herniated Disc Help Problems
Patients are fearful and often have already suffered poor results from treatment by the time they find us. Occasionally, we are fortunate enough to be able to serve patients who are newly diagnosed and very proactive right from the start of their herniated disc journeys. However, these cases are rare. Most patients put all their trust in the very first doctor who diagnoses them, despite not knowing anything about this doctor, their background, credentials, results or ethics. This is always a perfect recipe for disaster when it comes to any type of healthcare consumerism. They receive treatment and it fails, then they discover our work…
Doctors make money from diagnosis and treatment. Money is a huge motivator to follow protocols that are profitable. The practices of proper and enlightened diagnostic medicine can undermine profitability. Therefore, patients are usually fast-tracked for treatment before they can take their money elsewhere… It sounds cynical and critical, but is unfortunately, the whole truth in many, many cases.
Patients might realize their mistake in choice of doctor or treatment or they might not. We see countless cases where patients go from treatment to treatment and doctor to doctor, never finding relief, yet never even thinking to question the accuracy of their diagnosis. Really? Really, really??
We correspond with many patients with chronic pain that they say has ruined their lives, prevented them from working, destroyed their family, stopped them from having children and basically made life a living hell. However, when we ask them what they have done to change their fates, most tell tales of passivity to an unacceptable degree. Most have learned nothing about their conditions or why their diagnosis might be flawed. Most have no idea about many of the most effective therapies that are available and despite what they say, most have not taken to time to even read much of our completely free website that provides all of this information and much, much, much more. Get involved people! Life helps those who help themselves and punishes those with continued suffering when suffering is what they invite… It’s your health and your life. Do something!
Disc Pain Help Roadmap
We have written a literal encyclopedia of information about herniated discs on this website and have provided comprehensive guidance for all patients who are still suffering. You just need to read it. We understand that this can be a daunting task, so we have prepared a synopsis of our guidance for all patients below in order to direct you to the information you need at the right stage of care when you need it. Let’s begin:
If you have been diagnosed with a herniated disc, you must immediately begin to learn more about the condition. Learn the diagnostic terminology and what each aspect of the diagnosis means. You can get started by reading the essays in our section titled: What is a herniated disc?
Know for sure that most herniated discs are not symptomatic. This is a proven and indisputable fact long established by medical science. This idea does not intend to cast doubt on your pain. It merely suggests that most herniated discs are incidental to back pain that is experienced. Proper diagnostic symptom correlation will prove this in most patients if performed by an expert in spinal neurology.
You should not jump right into treatment. Keep researching, do not panic and get a few more opinions from different types of doctors. Read more about the value and inherent need for getting a second opinion on a herniated disc.
Do not get involved in the use of dangerous drug therapies, unless there is no other choice (there always is…). Try natural, complementary care instead. You will be surprised at its efficacy and your body will thank you for not making things worse by poisoning yourself with toxic chemicals.
Know for sure that virtually all surgeries for herniated discs are not needed and are considered purely optional for more than 99% of patients who are recommended surgical care. Surgeons operate. It’s how they make a living. Do not be shocked if they want to operate on you.
If you actually do have a rare symptomatic and pathological disc problem, then try to find effective, safe and curative care, rather than relying on symptomatic treatment.
Hold your caregivers accountable and continue to learn in order to prevent healthcare workers from taking full economic advantage of your ignorance and naivety.
Stop looking exclusively externally for help. Start by cultivating self-help through proactivity and the answers will find you. In essence, become involved. It’s your life. It’s your healthcare choices. Make them count. Learn, grow and heal or else face the burden of ignorance and chronic pain. The choice is yours.
Herniated Disc Help Solutions
We have been researching and managing herniated discs in clinical settings for decades. Our collective experience and expertise in disc pain is unrivaled. We can not treat each and every patient around the world one-on-one, so we decided long ago to put all of our findings online as a completely free resource for all to use and benefit from. You are reading this website because you want help, but are you willing to put in the time and effort to actually do anything about it?
We have already invested countless hours of time and lots of money to build and maintain all of our very large websites for the public good. We do not know you, but we want you to be well and enjoy great lives nevertheless. Nothing would make us happier than knowing that we played some role in the improvement of your symptoms by getting you headed in the right direction when it comes to treating herniated discs. We would be overjoyed to know that we facilitated a cure for you, which is why we appreciate and read every one of your letters, emails and social media postings of thanks.
So, now the ball is in your court. What will you do with it? Will you use the tools that we have already provided to you right here to learn, grow and recover? Or… Will you go back to being passive and hoping for some miracle that will suddenly relieve all your pain overnight without any positive input or effort on your own behalf? The answer to this question could define the rest of your natural lives, so think carefully and make the RIGHT choice.
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