Herniated disc back pain enjoys a overly inflated reputation as a nightmarish condition. Back pain is truly an epidemic affliction in the modern world and herniated discs are the most commonly diagnosed cause of severe and recurrent symptoms. However, learning the facts about herniated discs will prove that the poor maligned spinal disc is sometimes little more than an innocent and coincidental scapegoat on which chronic back ache is often unfairly blamed.
This treatise will expand on the idea that dorsalgia is often coincidental to asymptomatic herniations. We will delve into the reasons why most disc bulges are not painful and will also detail why the diagnosis itself may be more harmful to many patients.
Herniated Disc Back Pain Conditions
Herniated discs are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to back pain diagnoses. Disc bulges and even ruptures may be painful for a short time frame, especially when they are enacted by traumatic injury, but are not typically the source of chronic pain or enduring neurological symptoms.
Degenerative disc disease is another common spinal diagnosis, but is certainly not a disease and is actually little more than a name for the completely normal aging processes which affects every human. Sure, DDD helps herniations to occur, but these degenerative disc bulges are proven to rarely source any discomfort at all.
Other conditions typically diagnosed in association with a herniated disc are foraminal stenosis, spinal stenosis and spinal osteoarthritis. All 3 of these processes can be related to disc prolapse and all 3 can indeed be symptomatic when the circumstances are right. Luckily, most cases exist without causing pain, just like the widespread occurrence of completely innocent disc bulges.
Do Herniated Discs Even Cause Back Pain?
There are many beliefs about herniated discs which are completely false:
Herniated discs are always painful.
Herniated discs can not heal on their own.
Herniated discs require surgery.
Herniated discs always get worse with time and cause disability.
These myths are not only false, but they are actually diametrically opposed to the actual facts concerning most herniated discs.
Herniated Disc Back Pain Editorial
I know that the diagnosis of a herniated disc can be very frightening. The nocebo effect of this diagnosis is one of the worst in osteopathic medicine and almost always causes a drastic intensification in symptomology. When I was diagnosed with not 1, but 2 herniated discs in my lower back, I was shocked and scared to death. I had already endured years of recurrent acute back pain by this time, but my symptoms took a real turn for the worse when this diagnosis was pronounced.
In order to recover from a herniated disc, you must not fear it. You must come to know that the condition is extremely common and is rarely a real health concern. Herniated discs occur in countless patients who do not have any pain or even know that the disc problem exists in their spines. This is because this problem, as it is called by medical practitioners, is actually usually little more than a slightly atypical spinal anomaly.
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