Many patients are obsessed with trying to cure herniated discs. Unfortunately, this is usually the wrong mindset for most of those who are suffering from chronic back pain. Although an intervertebral disc might not be considered healthy or normal once it has bulged or ruptured, there is still usually no reason for concern and nothing at all to cure. This is because it is normal for spinal discs to degenerate, and even herniate, as they age.
The facts show that herniated discs are not likely to be the causation of lasting pain, although common misconceptions have given the condition a fearsome reputation as a major spinal disorder.
This article will detail some important considerations for anyone who is diagnosed with a disc pathology and really does not fully understand what the prognosis for their future will hold.
Cure Herniated Discs Theory
Cure is a term used to describe a method of resolving a disease or an injury. Most patients view a herniated disc as an injury and in some instances, they are correct. However, in many cases, herniations occur due to the normal and expected spinal aging processes and are not inherently painful or problematic. So basically, what we are talking about when referring to a herniated disc is a very common spinal condition which might happen over time, due to degeneration, or might happen suddenly, due to trauma.
For discs which are injured by trauma, there is certainly healing to do. Just remember, that the physical healing typically takes 2 to 8 weeks, at which time the painful symptoms should be gone.
Degenerative disc bulges are not normally painful at all, or might create some pain for a short amount of time. Herniations due to injury can be painful at first, but usually get better, even without medical treatment, in less than 2 months. Does this sound like the clinical reality of most cases of diagnosed herniated disc pain? Of course not. Not by a long shot.
Curing Disc Symptoms
Most patients believe that a herniated disc will never heal. Most believe that herniated discs are the most common sources of ongoing pain due to a variety of diagnosed conditions, such as spinal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, pinched nerves, sciatica and the like.
When you look at the big picture, it seems that the only things preventing a herniated disc from healing are the myths surrounding the condition, compared to the truths. Learning the real facts about herniated discs is crucial in overcoming the pain. Understanding that discs are not typically the actual reason for chronic back pain will help the patient overcome the diagnostic nocebo effect of the condition.
Reading up on the latest objective herniated disc research will prove that most disc conditions are benign and patients who do not seek any medical treatment actually get better faster and better than those who undergo professional care.
There is obviously a great misconception in what actually causes most cases of unresolved back or neck pain. The misdiagnosis of disc pain syndromes has cost millions of patients money, time, suffering and sometimes, even their lives.
Cure Herniated Discs Synopsis
Regardless of what has caused your herniated disc, there is no reason to believe it needs to heal over the course of many years. The healing process is swift and will end within weeks. After that, it is likely that any pain which remains is either probably due to one of 2 common scenarios:
First off, psychosomatic perpetuation can prolong symptoms from a real or perceived disc condition virtually forever. Sometimes, the original pain was the direct result of disc injury, while other times, the pain began and continues as a psychogenic condition. In either case, the herniated disc is nothing more than a scapegoat on which the symptoms are still blamed.
The second reason for lasting symptoms is a true neurological involvement, usually due to spinal nerve or spinal cord compression. A few cases might be enacted by chemical radiculitis when a disc has herniated and developed an annular tear. In these scenarios, medical treatment is indicated and may be necessary in order to resolve the painful complaint.
For mindbody symptoms, knowledge therapy has shown great success in helping patients to overcome symptoms with no expense or risk.
Meanwhile, for structural pain, some cases may be resolved using purely nonsurgical spinal decompression. In other cases, surgery may indeed be the best or only way to cure herniated discs.
I hope you will use your common sense to break free of the old stereotypes of herniated disc pain and find your way to a symptom-free life. It may take thinking outside the box and learning more than you ever thought was necessary about intervertebral disc pathologies. You can cure herniated discs, but you have to become more involved in your own care and learn everything you can.
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