Cervical degenerative disc disease is a typical part of the spinal aging processes and is especially seen between C5 and T1 in most adults over the age of 40. The small, thin discs in the neck are especially prone to normal spinal deterioration and will demonstrate significant degenerative changes in most patients even when no injury has ever been suffered. Of course, if there is a history of neck injury, repetitive stress or spinal abnormality, then the likelihood that advanced degeneration will occur is even greater.
This resource section delves into cervical disc desiccation and explains the completely innocent nature of most mild to moderate expressions of cervical degenerative disc disease.
What is Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease?
CDDD is not a disease at all. Instead, it is simply a description of the normal processes which act upon the intervertebral discs in the neck. Disc degeneration occurs in every person on Earth and is most prevalent in the lumbar and cervical regions, since these are the spinal areas which are the most mobile.
CDDD is not inherently painful or problematic and is extremely rarely the actual cause of serious or ongoing pain of any kind. However, CDDD is a common neck pain scapegoat condition often blamed for enacting symptoms when a more obvious source is not available.
Cervical Disc Disease Topics
We have prepared the following research articles to help patients better comprehend the universal occurrence of cervical disc desiccation:
Cervical disc disease diagnosis can not be verified without some form of advanced imaging technology.
Cervical disc disease causes basically consist of aging and normal wear. However, other factors can accelerate or exacerbate the degenerative processes.
Cervical disc disease exercises are commonly utilized for conservative care, despite being a seemingly illogical choice for rehabilitating worn intervertebral structures.
Cervical disc disease treatment is seldom actually needed, which is good, since most modalities are ineffective anyway. This is particularly true of cervical disc disease surgery, which can cause more harm than benefit.
Neck-Pain-Treatment.Org provides a full accounting of when cervical degenerative disc disease might create pain and when it is innocent.
Cervical Disc Disease Processes
Cervical discs degenerate through a normal series of spinal processes. As they age, these discs lose their ability to retain moisture within the nucleus pulposus. This makes these already small discs shrink even more, in height, circumference and diameter. Smaller discs mean reduced protection for incidental bone on bone contact between cervical vertebrae. Increased bone interaction can produce spinal osteoarthritis, although this is also a normal process and rarely enacts serious symptoms.
In some cases, bone spurs may form in particular areas of the vertebrae and become a problem for unfortunate patients. However, most osteophyte growth is not a concern and will not cause any painful symptoms. CDDD also increases the chances of suffering a herniated disc once the degenerative processes have worn down the structural integrity of the annulus fibrosus. Once again, these degeneration-induced bulges and ruptures are also rarely health threats, although they may be problematic in the rare circumstances when they impinge on a nerve root or the spinal cord.
Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Factsheet
CDDD is a normal part of the aging process which begins to make its mark on most individuals by the age of 30 or so. Some people are far more susceptible to developing early CDDD and some are more prone to developing problematic CDDD. This diagnosis is virtually never the actual reason for severe or chronic neck or back pain, although it is commonly made out to be a pathological condition.
If you have had your chronic disc pain blamed on CDDD, you owe it to yourself to learn the facts about the condition and why it is not typically responsible for pain in the vast majority of patients. Most individuals who have been misdiagnosed as suffering from coincidental degenerative disc disease may benefit from the knowledge therapy approach to care. While no medical efficacy will be bestowed, this treatment is especially effective at dispelling the myths and fears associated with DDD.
For the very few patients who are experiencing actual ongoing pain from an abnormal and advanced case of cervical disc degeneration, spinal decompression demonstrates good curative results. This treatment gets my recommendation over any form of disc surgery virtually every time.