Antalgic Trak for herniated discs is a state-of-the-art spinal decompression system that offers some unique treatment features when compared to other forms of horizontal, linear nonsurgical decompression therapy. The Antalgic Trak device utilizes a new concept in decompression where in the patient basically sits in the machine and enjoys vertebral traction in a nonlinear manner, with the spine being gently stretched in up to 10 different unique ways during treatment.
The Antalgic Trak system was invented by noted care providers Dr. David Bass and Dr. Scott Denny. Both are experienced chiropractors who have pursued additional training in acupuncture and other forms of healing. They are strong proponents of spinal decompression can see a future filled with many opportunities where the therapy can be used to treat a wide range of problematic health issues, including one of most commonly seen clinically: herniated discs.
This essay examines the use of the Antalgic Trak spinal decompression machine to treat spinal disc issues without drugs or surgery. We will explore the benefits and limitations of decompression care for a range of intervertebral disc pathologies.
Antalgic Trak for Herniated Discs Indications
Antalgic Trak has been successfully utilized to treat herniated and degenerated discs, as well as facet syndrome and general idiopathic back pain. The therapy can be used in the cervical or lumbar spinal regions. The best therapeutic results are achieved for spinal disc pathologies, which is the focus of this essay.
Antalgic Trak helps to expand the intervertebral spaces, widening the foraminal openings and relieving pressure on compressed nerves. Treatment can also help to properly align the spine and reduce stresses in the facet joints. Since there is little risk of using spinal decompression for herniated discs, especially when compared to surgical interventions, many patients have been effectively treated even without the benefit of a definitive diagnosis of the root causative mechanism of pain.
When it comes to disc diagnoses, the best results are achieved for general desiccation and compression of the intervertebral tissues, as well as for bulging and herniation wherein the outer annulus fibrosus remains intact and uncompromised by annular tears or intervertebral rupture.
Benefits of Antalgic Trak for Disc Pain
All forms of spinal decompression, including that offered by the Antalgic Trak system, can provide excellent results for resolving indicated conditions. Symptomatic degenerated discs can be relieved and symptomatic bulges and herniations can be reduced in size and clinical significance, as well as decreased in degree of expression. Results for the treatment of disc pathologies are excellent, with the vast majority of patients citing very good results that last for a long timeline. In fact, many patients report spinal decompression as being completely curative for their painful back or neck pain issues.
Outcomes for facet joint syndrome are promising, but not as stellar as in disc pain sufferers. Similarly, general idiopathic low back and neck patients may or may not benefit, with fewer patients reporting markedly decreased pain and fewer reporting long lasting relief when any benefit is enjoyed at all.
Spinal decompression is a great option for patients with indicated conditions to consider, since it is safe and nonsurgical. When compared to discectomy surgery, results are far superior for most conditions, last longer and do not expose patients to the risks of invasive spinal surgery. Furthermore, if spinal decompression does not succeed, there is really no harm done. Patients are still able to pursue all other methods of care, including surgery at any time in the future, if they so choose.
Limitations of Antalgic Trak for Herniated Discs
One of the main downsides of spinal decompression is its limited coverage under most health insurance plans. While times have changed and some companies have seen the effectiveness of the therapy and realized the savings in comparison to surgical therapies, full inclusion in traditional insurance coverage is still rare. Worse still, the cost of spinal decompression is substantial, placing it out of financial reach for most patients. It is truly a shame that so many patients are forced into surgical care simply to enjoy health insurance coverage, when more effective noninvasive care is also available, but unaffordable. The huge cost of all of the major decompression machines is the primary factor that is driving treatment fees sky high. If the devices could be sold for less, treatment costs would come down and the entire industry would benefit. Luckily, now there are many devices available for purchase secondhand, allowing practitioners to offer decompression at lower fees and helping more patients who would not otherwise be able to afford such pricey treatments.
In our opinion, the most significant downside of all forms of spinal decompression is the simple truth that many of the diagnoses justifying treatment are faulty. Misdiagnosed degenerative disc disease is far more common than accurately diagnosed pathological versions of the condition by a huge margin. Similarly, most herniated discs implicated as the source of back and neck pain are not correctly diagnosed either and are simply incidental structural irregularities that are innocent and asymptomatic, while the true origin of pain remains untreated. Regardless, since spinal decompression offers good results, even in cases where the diagnosis is obviously suspect, there is far less risk with this therapeutic path than with virtually all others, barring physical therapy or self-managed exercise regimens. Whether decompression works via placebo or by addressing the true, yet unknown, source of pain is not clear, but it is really quite irreverent, as long as it does work in so many patient profiles.
The Antalgic Trak system of spinal decompression remains controversial, particularly in the traditional medical community. There have been many marketing scandals in the industry and disputed research studies that have affected competitive devices. Some of this bad press has certainly diminished the appeal of all the products in the nonsurgical spinal decompression sector, including the Antalgic Trak. However, demand for decompression services is still strong and most of the proponents of the treatment believe that the benefits of therapy will eventually become so well known as to create universal acceptance of decompression in the larger back pain treatment industry of traditional medicine.
One thing which disturbed us on a new revision of the company website is the recently amended complete camouflage of the inventors actual credentials, with no mention being used of either being chiropractors and all mentions of more traditional sounding degrees being used instead. If there seems to be a question in the worth of a chiropractic degree from the person holding the credential, then how do they expect anyone else to respect their educational background? There seems to be an attempt to make the investors out to be medical doctors, but maybe it is just our perception. Regardless, it is disturbing and definitely undermines all the good work portrayed on the company website and should be corrected immediately.
Herniated Disc > Spinal Decompression > Antalgic Trak for Herniated Discs