Treating herniated discs has become a multi-billion dollar industry within the healthcare system. There is an ever-growing number of therapy modalities used to relieve the symptoms of disc pain, as well as some treatments used to correct the actual structural intervertebral abnormality.
This editorial will cover the most often employed therapies for disc pathologies. We will look at both conservative care practices, as well as minimally and fully invasive approaches to treatment. Finally, we will separate symptomatic care from curative care applications.
Treating Herniated Disc Symptoms
Symptomatic herniated disc therapy options consist of humanitarian efforts to decrease the pain associated with structural disc abnormalities. Of course, this supposes that the pain is actually being caused by the disc, which is often not the case. Regardless, symptomatic methods can make life far better for suffering patients while they search for a real cure for their pain. It should be made very clear that symptomatic therapies will rarely, if ever, cure a painful condition. They will merely lessen the impact of the pain on the patient’s life.
The following are the most common symptomatic treatments for disc pain:
Acupuncture is an effective method of holistic pain relief.
Drugs are a risky, but extremely common symptomatic treatment.
Chiropractic will occasionally provide a cure, but is often symptomatic.
Exercise is a holistic option featuring general health benefits.
Ice and heat are risk free and might help relieve some pain at home.
Curative Methods of Treating Disc Pain
Not every treatment designed to cure a disc pain syndrome will work for every patient. However, at least when a therapy option is designed to end pain by addressing the underlying causation, there is a chance for finding permanent relief, which is far preferred to continuing symptomatic treatment.
The following are the most commonly utilized methods which might cure the disc pain condition permanently:
Knowledge therapy can work for mindbody pain and has no risks or costs.
Spinal decompression is a good non-surgical cure for many patients.
Herniated disc surgery is a risky final treatment option for most patients.
Advice on Treating Herniated Discs
Understanding the herniated disc facts is crucial when deciding on a proper treatment regimen. You can not make a knowledgeable and informed choice if you do not have a complete picture of the causative condition which is afflicting you.
Make sure to always get a second opinion before starting any lengthy or drastic treatment. You must remember that some care providers make therapy recommendations based more on profitability than actual need or efficacy. If you can be cured, then it is always best to pursue this path. Languishing in symptomatic care might help you to avoid surgery, but really amounts to slavery and might even perpetuate your suffering.
I recommend seeking evaluation from a chiropractor, orthopedist and neurologist for any significant disc pathology. Listen to what each has to say and then take the information you have been provided and do your own in-depth research. Once this is all finished, you will be in a much better position to make an informed choice as to the best treatment for your needs.
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