Ayurvedic herniated disc care is a specialty offered by many practitioners of this traditional Indian healing art. Ayurveda is a holistic curative practice which addresses the majority of possible health concerns using a combination of dietary alteration, professionally applied therapies, exercise, bed rest and meditation.
While herniated disc treatment is a relatively new focus in this ancient art, many patients find relief using the methods offered by local care providers and completely avoiding the treatments of modern Western medicine.
This discussion will explore the methods and effectiveness of traditional Ayurveda for back and neck pain. We will look into the care practices utilized and detail the pros and cons of therapy.
Ayurvedic Herniated Disc Information
As is common in many specialties in Ayurveda, there is no singular way to treat a herniated disc. Every provider seems to have their own approach, so modalities and techniques can vary greatly in both theory and application from practitioner to practitioner.
I have studied with several Ayurvedic caregivers and was impressed by the talent and knowledge of some and horrified by the behavior and lack of common sense of others. In general, I do not recommend the practice for back pain sufferers, as the curative applications often do not make any sense from a scientific perspective, regardless of whether you follow an Eastern or Western medical ideology.
Ayurvedic Spinal Disc Treatment
Every practitioner has their own methods of treating a verified herniated disc. The therapies I have witnessed fall into several categories:
Bed rest is very common in Ayurveda and a horrible choice for most back pain sufferers in general. Spending long periods of time in bed is almost always counter-productive for people with chronic pain of any variety.
Dietary alteration and herbal use may be helpful or harmful to the general health, but is unlikely to do anything to influence a herniated disc.
Manual manipulation caused me to cover my eyes after seeing how some practitioners carelessly manhandled their patients, who were obviously in terrible agony. This was particularly frightening.
Meditation and other mindbody practices were a nice touch, but I do not think these are enough in most cases, although some patients seemed to respond incredibly well to the psychoemotional side of therapy.
Ayurvedic Herniated Disc Guidance
Here is a notation about some of the therapies I witnessed as part of Ayurvedic care for herniated discs: Marma point observation and manipulation, Meru Chikitsa, Choornapinda Swedam, Abhyangam, Nasyam, Elakizhi, Shirodhara, Kati Vasthi, Navarakizhi, Anuvasana Vasthi, Kashaya Vasthi, Abyanga Swedam, Pathrapotala Swedam, Pizhichil, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy.
Some of the diagnostic terms used for herniated disc and back pain in general include: Kadeegraham, Kadeegrahom, Sandhivislesham and Asthi Chyudi.
I have little practical experience with Ayurveda in its pure Indian form, but have extensive experience with the Chinese practice of the system.
Although it may be a natural and alternative treatment, it is certainly possible to do more harm than good in some instances. As a patient, I particularly advise you to beware of manual manipulation of the spine, as this seems to be traumatic, and possibly injurious, in many instances.
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