Herniated disc tingling fingers may result from a cervical disc herniation, although there are a great number of other diagnostic possibilities, as well. Tingling in the fingers linked to a herniated disc in the neck will typically result from foraminal stenosis, which is also called a pinched nerve root.
However, tingling is not the typical symptom produced by true and persistent nerve compression, so some of these cases turn out to be misdiagnosed after not responding to a variety of seemingly appropriate therapy options. Before seeking any drastic therapy for a pinched nerve, be sure to research alternate possibilities which may actually be responsible for symptoms, in order to prevent disappointing treatment results.
This dissertation examines tingling that is experienced in the fingers or one or both hands.
Tingling Fingers from a Bulging Disc
Tingling fingers are blamed on so many scapegoat conditions, including herniated discs, carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI, among others. While any of these conditions may enact tingling, pain, weakness and numbness in the fingers, the epidemic diagnostic rate and abysmal curative statistics for these conditions clearly shows a tendency towards blaming some innocent anatomical abnormality, while all along, some other process is responsible for the symptomatic expression.
Sometimes, this process is a disease, such as diabetes, or other form of neuropathy, while in many sufferers, regional oxygen deprivation is the true underlying reason for the complaint. This explains the subjectivity of the expression instead of the objective expectation for a true compressed nerve root.
In other patients, the disc may be the true culprit, but because it is actually affecting the spinal cord through central stenosis, rather than compressing a nerve root.
Herniated Disc Tingling Fingers Explanations
Tingling in the fingers can be blamed on overuse, especially in musicians, typists and precise laborers. This is usually an unenlightened and mistaken guess at best. RSI conditions do happen, but are diagnosed vastly more often than they truly exist.
Herniated discs should not usually be the source of chronic tingling, since compression of a spinal nerve root will enact objective numbness and weakness, not tingling, pain, subjective weakness and subjective numbness. However, in scenarios of central spinal stenosis, the symptoms may be highly variable and subjective.
Thoracic outlet syndrome may cause tingling in the neck, upper back, shoulder, arm, hand or fingers, but this syndrome can sometimes turn out to be just another of the various ischemia conditions which have been given their own identifying moniker.
In other cases, muscular injury or congenital anatomy abnormalities are to blame for the constriction of the brachial plexus structures by the scalene muscles.
Herniated Disc Tingling Fingers Overview
Many patients experience tingling as part of the psychological conditioning process of any chronic pain syndrome. Sciatica is a perfect example in the legs, where symptoms may start quite innocent and progress thorough regular and constantly changing patterns.
The same occurrences can and do occur in the arms, hands and fingers, including times of pain, numbness, weakness and of course, tingling. These variable pain patterns are sometimes ischemic and it is for this reason that I discuss misdiagnosis with patients whose symptoms have not subsided after more than 2 attempts at treatment.
If tingling and pain exist locally with no other ranging symptoms, then it is usually best to focus on the affected area to find the source process. Tendonalgia can be a common cause of localized finger symptoms.
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