Traditional Chinese Medicine for herniated discs uses a variety of techniques to treat pain and related symptomology. Although Chinese Medicine can not cure a herniated disc, it might be helpful in mitigating the symptoms and certainly provides some distinct benefits in his regard.
TCM is still a driving force in the modern healthcare sector today, despite being used for thousands of years already in Asia. Although some practices are poorly understood by western medicine, it is hard to deny the effectiveness of many TCM treatments, including those used to reduce pain naturally and holistically.
This essay explores the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat herniated discs. We will examine the practices utilized, the benefits provided and the limitations of care that all patients should know and understand before seeking treatment.
TCM for Herniated Discs
Let’s start this section by mentioning the simple fact that TCM does not provide specific herniated disc treatment, since the system of medicine was invented long before the concept of spinal discs was even understood. TCM does provide treatments for pain, stiffness, tingling, numbness and other common manifestations of symptomatic herniated discs, so we will focus on symptomatic treatment of those expressions during the remainder of this article. The following are all Traditional Chinese Medicine practices which might be utilized by herniated disc patients:
Acupuncture and acupressure provide the ability to reduce pain without the need for injections or oral route drugs. Acupuncture is considered a very effective pain management modality with few risks.
Dietary changes might be suggested by a doctor of TCM. While no nutritional changes will resolve a symptomatic herniated disc, these alterations might help improve general wellness of the entire body, including the spine. TCM might utilize particular nutritional supplements or herbal remedies which may or may not provide any benefit at all.
TCM often utilizes exercise therapy as part of its treatment regimen. Exercise is generally beneficial for herniated disc patients, providing the possibility for pain relief and general health benefits.
TCM might utilize meditation and other mindbody practices towards enhancing overall health and wellness of mind and body.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Herniated Discs Benefits
TCM is great because it allows patients to circumvent the traditional medical system and its toxic treatment program. Western medicine relies heavily on drugs, injections and surgery to treat herniated discs. All of these practices are considered dangerous and grossly ineffective at providing a cure for most patients and most conditions. The techniques of TCM are natural, holistic and based on thousands of years of clinical practice.
Traditional Chinese Medicine does not compartmentalize the body like western medicine. Instead, emphasis is placed on complete mindbody health as a whole, making it a truly effective means of treating and preventing pain.
TCM might be very cost effective in some parts of the world where care providers are numerous and demand for services is great.
Some TCM providers emphasize the need to consider psychoemotional contributors to pain. When these issues are addressed, TCM can actually facilitate a cure for many patients who have been misdiagnosed with a symptomatic herniated disc.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Herniated Discs Limitations
Traditional Chinese Medicine can not diagnose or treat a herniated disc specifically. It can merely address the symptoms that might be associated with herniated discs. Patients who have true structural symptomology as a direct result of a herniated disc will never find a cure using TCM.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is less scientific than western medicine and definitely falls short when specifically treating spinal disc issues. Western medicine has better diagnostic tools, sounder theories of pain and far more effective therapies available.
Many practices involves in TCM might provide no benefits at all. This includes some of the often illogical dietary advice provided by some care givers.
TMC is completely incapable of resolving nerve compression, spinal cord compression, disc degeneration or chemical radiculitis which might be at the heart of chronic pain.
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