The real herniated disc facts are important for every affected patient to understand before making up their mind about how to treat any diagnosed intervertebral disc condition. Herniated discs occur in the spines of billions of people and are considered one of the most common of all spinal abnormalities. In fact, they are so common that using the term abnormal to describe them is deceptive and inaccurate.
This resource section is devoted to separating the facts from the myths when it comes to herniated discs. Herein is contained vital information which should be carefully considered by anyone who is deemed to be suffering from disc-related symptoms.
Verified Herniated Disc Facts
Herniated discs typically occur for one of three possible reasons:
Injury has a greater chance of producing a symptomatic disc bulge. Some form of trauma exerts force on a particular area of the spine, causing a disc to bulge or rupture. These herniations might be painful for a short time, but are unlikely to cause long-term symptoms. Most traumatic disc injuries resolve within 2 to 8 weeks, even without any treatment. The exceptions to this rule are discs which compress a nerve root or the spinal cord.
Degeneration rarely produces significantly symptomatic herniations. Normal spinal aging processes cause discs to dry out and shrink. This increases the chances for herniations. This completely expected process is sometimes given the misleading and frightening name degenerative disc disease. Most degenerative herniated discs go completely unnoticed, since they do not cause any pain or related neurological symptoms.
Idiopathic reasons account for many instances of intervertebral prolapse. Some patients develop a disc herniation for no particular reason at all. Genetic, congenital and developmental factors might increase the likelihood of an idiopathic disc pain condition.
Factual Herniated Disc Topics
Below are essays that assist patients to separate fact from myth when it comes to herniated discs:
Herniated disc FAQ presents answers to the most commonly asked questions about intervertebral irregularities.
Understanding all about herniated discs will help any patient to better their chances for successful treatment.
Herniated disc disability can be a terrible result of severe disc pain conditions.
Herniated disc research continues to tell us how normal and innocent most herniations truly are.
Do herniated discs heal? The answer to this question might surprise even the most knowledgeable reader.
Is a herniated disc painful? This essay delves into one of the most controversial of all disc-related topics.
Learn to appreciate the incidence of herniated discs in the general population and see why most disc abnormalities are harmless.
Herniated discs in the elderly are often surprisingly asymptomatic, given the degree of degeneration present.
Herniated discs in children can occur due to injury, congenital conditions or developmental issues.
Herniated intervertebral disc conditions are not inherent harbingers of back or neck pain.
Herniated disc foraminal stenosis may cause a pinched nerve virtually anywhere in the spinal column.
Are you worried about being paralyzed by a herniated disc? Learn the truth and use knowledge to overcome often illogical fear.
Obesity-related herniated discs might be caused directly by excessive bodily weight or may simply be exacerbated by a high body mass index.
Pathological herniated discs are are, but they do exist. Learn how to differentiate them from harmless disc irregularities.
Spinal disc reherniation can occur organically, but is often the direct result of discectomy, IDET and nucleoplasty surgeries.
Learn what you must know about herniated discs in order to recover and move forward in life.
Even symptomatic herniated discs do not cause back pain in the vast majority of case profiles.
Herniated Disc Facts and Myths
Below are listed some of the most common truths and misconceptions about spinal disc herniations:
Herniated Discs are inherently painful. MYTH.
Most bulging discs are not symptomatic. FACT.
Surgery is required to correct a herniated disc. MYTH.
Surgery actually offers poor curative results. FACT.
Herniated Discs worsen with time. MYTH.
Most herniated discs resolve on their own. FACT.
Herniated discs can be diagnosed with an x-ray. MYTH.
The diagnosis of a herniated disc can worsen or prolong the pain. FACT.
Herniated discs are always due to injury. MYTH.
Herniated discs can happen for no reason at all. FACT.
Medical treatment is necessary for most herniated discs. MYTH.
Many disc pain conditions are misdiagnosed. FACT.
Understanding Bulging Disc Facts
Overcoming the initial shock of the diagnostic nocebo effect is crucial to beat disc pain. Many diagnosed disc pain conditions are actually caused by some other structural or non-anatomical process, and have nothing at all to do with the poor maligned disc.
In many other cases, there is a painful disc injury which would normally heal on its own, but the diagnostic nocebo effect creates fear, inciting the psychological perpetuation of symptoms long-term. Some patients actually have herniated discs which are creating a physical anatomical problem which might need to be treated.
It is vital to know that all these conditions present the exact same clinical profile to a doctor.
Learning the Real Herniated Disc Facts
The bottom line on herniated discs comes down to finding a treatment which will work well, without excessive risk or significant expense. Most conservative symptomatic treatment goes on and on, but does nothing at all to actually cure the condition.
Surgery is a nightmare and disc procedures often demonstrate horrific curative results. This is why I narrow my recommendations down to 2 usual options for the majority of patients.
Knowledge therapy is free and can resolve a host of back pain syndromes, including disc related pain. This is the same treatment I used to beat my own torturous pain after 18 years of suffering. The best part is that you can find many sources of knowledge therapy for free at your local library. You can’t beat that deal. However, this approach will not provide many benefits for truly structural disc pain. It is most effective when the actual disc diagnosis is incorrect. Of course, this approach will also not prevent future injury or degeneration which may become problematic. This explains why my pain returned with such fury after many years of relief.
For patients who cannot find relief from this all natural alternative method, I recommend spinal decompression. The therapy is not cheap, but at least it offers excellent results in a short time span and with limited cost. Nonsurgical decompression is not indicated for all diagnoses and does not work for everyone. However, at least it does not expose the patient to the horrific risks of invasive spinal operations.
In the end, it is your choice to make. Remember, doctors and therapists are business people, as well. Some of their recommendations are certainly based on the financial goals of their practice and are not the best option for permanently ending your pain.
After all, which would you prefer? Pain management or no pain to manage?
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Easy choice to make, right? I highly recommend continuing your research until you have a well-rounded view of the objective herniated disc facts.
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