Herniated disc depression is the common consequence of extended periods of back or neck pain which have been blamed on a bulging disc. There have been many famous studies about the close relationship between chronic back pain and depression. Since herniated discs are the most commonly diagnosed cause of back and neck pain, it is natural to see a correlation between disc issues and the subsequent condition of damaging depression.
This dialog explores the reasons why depression and herniated discs are inextricably linked. We will provide some important thoughts for people who have chronic disc symptoms that might be instrumental to breaking the cycle of depression and actually curing the pain.
Herniated Disc Depression Research
There have not been many large scale and scientifically validated studies about the specific relationship between depression and herniated discs. However, as mentioned previously, there have been many studies linking chronic back pain to depression. Since herniated discs are the most frequently diagnosed source of said back pain, it is easy to make the argument that herniated discs are also a leading cause of this depression.
Chronic pain in all its horrific forms is well known to result in depression in many patients. The mind and body are not designed to handle chronic disc pain, which is basically a modern health crisis previously virtually nonexistent in the historic medical record. Chronic pain has become a disease, mostly due to its abysmal management in the healthcare system and the incredibly unenlightened way that it is viewed by care providers and the general populace alike.
Herniated Disc Depression Relationship
Chronic pain destroys lives. It is that simple. People who suffer persistent pain are diminished in every measurable life criterion:
They can not work up to their potential. Some can not work at all. Monetary hardship is a common consequence, especially when patients must also pay out of pocket for their treatment in addition to earning less or nothing at all.
Pained people can not adequately care for personal and family responsibilities. This creates tremendous guilt, as well as internal and external pressure.
Pained people tend to be sedentary, causing a vast range of related negative health issues affecting mind and body, such as obesity and diabetes. The body craves exercise and activity. When deprived of fitness, the body will atrophy and the mind will suffer from a lack of crucial chemicals that are manufactured and released during physical exertion.
Treatment for back pain encourages all of these hardships. Treatment is often incredibly dangerous, such as the widespread use of toxic pain medications and unnecessary surgery that rarely provides relief. Herniated discs tend to resist successful treatment more than any other back pain diagnosis and that is saying so much, since most back pain is generally unresponsive to care!
Chronic pain causes many negative psychoemotional conditions to exist and grow inside the mind, including fear, anxiety and a generally poor view of life. These are all pre-cursors to depression when they become chronic pathological states.
Depressed Over Your Herniated Disc?
The main reason why so many people with herniated discs end up depressed, disabled and in a cycle of torment is due to the simple fact that most disc issues are misdiagnosed as the source of pain. If it were not for this misdiagnosis, this scapegoating of what amounts to a completely normal structural change in the vast majority of patients, depression would never occur. Pain would never persist. Chronic pain would diminish, instead of becoming a growing burden year over year in developed countries, with no end in sight…
Not all herniated discs are innocent. Some are indeed pathological. However, these tend to respond well to indicated, targeted care and resolve. When symptoms persist for months, years or decades, despite care, the idea that a disc is responsible is just ludicrous in virtually every case profile. Not understanding this basic truth is what damns people to the downward spiral of health and sanity so common to chronic pain sufferers. Do you want help? Start by providing it for yourself. All the information you will ever need is right here on this free web resource. All you have to do it read it and use it…
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