Are you suffering from herniated disc frustration? Is your disc problem ruining your life and defying every treatment you attempt? Have you had surgery for your disc pain already but do not feel any better? Do you actually feel worse? You are certainly not alone…
Frustration is an understatement for how most patients feel about chronic disc pain. However, most of the frustration comes from a lack of knowledge about why the pain truly exists instead of because the disc “will not heal”. If only more patients understood this basic fact then they would fare much better and get themselves on the road to recovery that much quicker.
This essay details the common feeling of frustration over a herniated disc and why patients have a very real right to be frustrated given the current diagnostic and treatment protocols.
Herniated Disc Frustration Ordeal
Frustration describes the feeling of hopelessness that fills patients’ hearts when they realize that their pain is NOT going away. Some patients become frustrated rather quickly, within several weeks of suffering severe pain, while others take years to realize that pain might be a lifelong companion. Regardless, eventually most people who suffer chronic disc pain become incredibly frustrated with their bodies, their doctors and the useless treatments that they have invested time, money and hope into.
Some patients play blame games and change doctors several times. Others stay the course with a doctor, but change therapies. Most patients will try both of these strategies over time and become even more frustrated when neither approach works.
Frustration is a terrible psychoemotional state that can lead to severe negative consequences, including depression, fear and anxiety. Worse still, since the disc pain is so disruptive to living a normal life, the patient is damaged psychologically, physically and financially, making them feel like they are caught in a perfect storm of suffering.
Frustrating Herniated Disc Circumstances
Why are you frustrated? It is because you don’t know why your pain does not resolve. It persists despite verified diagnosis of its cause, right? It persists despite active treatment, right? It persists despite one or more unsuccessfully surgeries in many cases… Why the hell does it NOT go away?
There is a hole in your knowledge base. If you have done everything right and sought our appropriate therapy for true disc pain, then the odds are the indicated therapy would have resolved the pain long ago. Treatments targeting actual pathological herniated discs tend to work relatively well. However, when the herniated disc is mistakenly identified as the source of pain, of course treatments will fail. What do you expect? They are not targeting the true cause of pain!
Despite our best efforts in patient education, the vast majority of people still view all herniated discs are being problematic, when the reality is the exact opposite. Only rare herniated discs are painful or pathological in any way. Of those which are, most will resolve organically with the passage of time alone and without medical intervention. Why then do so many people have chronic herniated disc pain that has given the humble spinal disc such a fierce reputation? The answer is simple… misdiagnosis!
Overcoming Herniated Disc Frustration
Stop being frustrated and start becoming educated. Start fresh. Get a new perspective. The treatments you have tried in the past (and failed) all revolve around the ASSUMPTION that the herniated disc is indeed the source of pain, which is statistically unlikely. Try considering the idea that the disc is incidental and not the actual symptomatic mechanism. Go from there…
You will find much better treatment results if you pursue this path without yielding to the brainwashing of financially-motivated charlatans who just want to keep treating a nonissue in your spine at great profit.
All the information you will ever need is here on this website and on all the other sites of The Cure Back Pain Network. However, don’t take our word for it. Do your own independent research and learn for sure that most herniated discs are not only considered normal in the spine, but are also coincidental to the vast majority of back pain conditions blamed on them. The facts are all out there…
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